Our Courses

Embark on a journey of knowledge, discovery, and growth at DPSRYK. Our admissions process is designed identify bright, motivated individuals who are eager contribute to our dynamic academic community.

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Hifz / Alim

Embark on a journey of knowledge discovery, and growth at DPSRYK.

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Hifz / Alim
Primary / Middle

Embark on a journey of knowledge discovery, and growth at DPSRYK.

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Primary / Middle
Secondary / Higher Secondary

Embark on a journey of knowledge discovery, and growth at DPSRYK.

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Secondary / Higher Secondary
College / University

Embark on a journey of knowledge discovery, and growth at DPSRYK.

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College / University

Embark on a Journey: Unveiling the Story of DPSRYK

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Embark on a journey of knowledge, discovery, and growth at The Doctor's School & College. Our admissions process is designed to identify bright, motivated individuals who are eager to contribute to our dynamic academic community.

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Our Features

At DPSRYK Name we are committed to providing a high-quality education that is accessible to a diverse range of students.

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Admission Test
  • There is written test for student. The admission test for primary and secondary school is based on the following subjects and classes
  • DPSC is one of a few pioneer schools of formal education where you may witness quite comfortably, a sublime blend of high standard
  • Curriculum is seen as whole teaching-learning activity both inside & outside classroom of the schools

Chairman Message

Dear Parents, I Praise Allah (ﷻ) who created us human being and made us Muslim, follower of the Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ), Allah (ﷻ) almighty gave me and my colleagues (member of board) and opportunity and the golden chance to minimize the bifurcation and to make wide angle narrow, between Islamic education and Modern scientific education. الحمد اللہ, up till now we are successfully going on to achieve our objectives. We are giving our nation the institute that is fulfilling our youths’ souls’ and bodies’ demand. They are getting their education in Hifz-e-Qur’an, Tafseer, Hadeeth and Modern scientific education with quality in English language. We are doing our best to provide best and the end result and fruit belongs to Allah (ﷻ) “ لِلّٰہِ عَاقِبَۃُ الاُمُوْر” andwe believe that We say that the base of Deen is on Wahi and the base of science is on Aql and without the light of Wahi, Aql is blind. So, we want to get command in modern scientific education as well as firm attachment with Qur’aan. Therefore we say science in the light of Qur’aan. Humbel request for Parents and elders to prey for this institution.

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Welcome to the gateway of possibilities your admission to The Doctor's School & College. At DPSRYK, we understand.

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